Thursday, April 22, 2010

Birdy Cephon Altera Cosplayer

Now from an obscure Anime, here is Birdy Cephon Altera. Aya Kiguchi was the cosplayer for her and who needs anyone else - ecchi momma! I am still trying to figure out how the costume stayed on through out this shoot. I have not heard much about this Anime, but the cosplay sure grabbed my attention fast. I have not seen anyone even closely pull off what Aya did with this.

About the Anime:

"Birdy Cephon Altera is a Federation agent (alien) chasing interplanetary criminals to the planet Earth. While in pursuit of one, she accidentally kills a high school boy named Tsutomu Senkawa. Fortunately for Tsutomu, there is a way to keep him alive, although he ends up merged into Birdy's body and must remain so until the repair of his body is complete.

Now on to the show:

Aya Kiguchi

Sources: Flickr |


  1. It's amazing how she keeps that on. I'd imagine immediate wardrobe malfunction...
    Anyhow, the authenticity of the costume is definitely awesome. Birdy's really nostalgic; first series I ever watched when I was little to flaunt such a scantily clad character.

  2. muy buena me gusta esta chica♥ ☺ creo que me enamore este cosplay ♥♥


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