by DC Rushton

The Futurama Panel was not so much a discussion panel. It was more like a gathering of “Old Friends”. The stories, jokes, and just talking like old friend, one on one, made the panel worth coming to for me. During the Q + A, I asked Katey Sagal, “The voice of Leela”, “Did you bring your Leela BOOTS you finally found you said you loved so much?” “If I knew someone was going to ask about MY LEELA boots, I would of worn them for you!” Again, the place died.

Now it’s time for: “MISSION SMURF”! I dive into the crowded dealers floor. High and low I search the rows of booths. “Should have been here Thursday. Sold out on SMURFS.“ Desperation slowly sink in my soul. It became the joke of the day. This Tao Priest walks up to your booths and asks: “Have any SMURF? My best friend, the ex, want a SMURF. Maybe she “SMURF” me for it. Can you help?” One guy finally from his booth, laughing his ass off at the joke of the day, helped me. “Lets get you SMURFED!” He point to a booth a row over. Hanging on the booth’s wall… SMURFS! I make my way through the thick crowd. “SMURFS. SMURFS. I have found the EX’S SMURF. This will get me SMURFED”, I declare aloud in victory! The owner of the booth saw me coming, wiping my brow of sweat. “You’re the costumed guy searching for a SMURF, so she will SMURF you!” “Anyway or thing to get SMURFED!”, I say to him. Large to tiny, they got them. No deals here, BUT! Found a “Beanie Baby” size one for $10.00. He cut it down and bagged it. Taking the ten spot from me he said, “Have a good “SMURFING!” (I did)

It’s Cosplay and Photo Shoots then on. Excellent is the word for Saturday’s Cosplay. Had to check my pipe’s load twice. “DID I SEE A CENTAUR?”. YES A CENTAUR! This Cosplay would get my 1# Cosplay vote, on “Mechanical Difficult”, but 1# came on Sunday morning.
That my readers, will be in my next post: “DAY 4”. (my proudest Cosplay moment yet!) How Did he build it? There, next to the First Aid Station, a large crowd had gather around a lone Cosplayer posing for photos. As I come around a pillar, MY JAW DROPPED! “RIVER SONG”! This Cosplayer had more than just found the clothing, hair style, the looks. NO! She had the most important thing to

Happy Smurfing but sorry to hear that smurfs were sold out. Cosplaying Centaur is really something! That's special.
ReplyDelete@Dennis aka Katsuden ~ I hope the Centaur stomped all the smurfs - LMFAO!!!