Comic Con 2011: Web-Report for, “2old4anime” ~ Day 3, Part 1
by DC Rushton

Saturdays are always the heaviest day of the Con. And the “Craziest Day”, as well. This “Priest of Tao”, has a mission in the crowded dealer room. Linda called as I was getting in late from the “After Con Party”. She is my ex-wife and best friend. She said she wanted a “SMURF“ if they had any reasonable.(I hate SMURFS!) And so was my mission of the day. A review of the Events Guide over morning coffee and pipe I find only the “Sanctuary Panel”, and the “Futurama Panel are the only events that I am interested in. I need to be in line NOW for “Sanctuary”. So… Short Con line for the “Futurama Panel” at 12:15, to 1:00 for me! Taking up my morning position in front of Door A, I see another Cosplayer is there. LOVE IT! We exchange greetings. Cosplay friendship instantly! “For That Is The Way Of The Con”. We hit it off, explaining what each other’s Character, and Costume. We agreed our costume’s “Themes” worked very well together, as we Cosplayed the spot. The height difference made the Cosplay, and attracted the cameras instantly! For the cameras I suddenly do the “World of Warcraft” commercial. “HI! I’m DC Rushton, and I’m a TAO

PRIEST……. “WHAT’S YOUR GAME?” The crowd ROARS! DOORS OPEN! With a hand shake we parted “Cosplayer Friends”.
And “Friends”, seem to come right out of nowhere today! “HEY GUY!”, comes from behind me. “Remember ME?” “RABBIT LADY”, with the “Wardrobe Malfunction”. I remember you!”, and hugged her. Shaking her husband’s hand we all recalled her, costume problem that day last year. My “Costume Repair Kit” came to the rescue! LOVE THE CON! I Cosplay my way through the lobby and go into the dealer’s room, down “Artist Alley”. For there is a friend I go to see each year. And there he is, with his wife?
The creator of the character, “USAGI YOJIMBO”, (the samurai rabbit) of “Teenage Mutant Teenage Ninja Turtles”. Stan “The Man From Japan” Sakai. He instantly remember me. Proper Japanese greeting are exchanged as a joke, then hearty hand shakes and hugs. I am introduced to the wife. “You’re the man that gave Stan the “Jade Turtle”. “On my desk at home in a place of honor.”, he said. I drop $ 5.00 on him for a “USAGI YOJIMBO 1#” He signs it, PLUSE! His special “USAGI Face”, in the top corner.
So many Cosplay Moments and Photo Shoots to tell you here! The crowd is growing thick, but I make my way to the BBC Area for but ONE REASON! And there it is. “IS THE DOCTOR IN?”, I ask all standing around a Blue Policemen’s Call Box. “THE TARDIS”, of Doctor Who! Got to get one of me standing before it in a tight crowd. TOUGH, but must be well timed. Just as someone was about

to take my picture.. The TARDIS “Groans and Grinds”. PERFECT TIMING! I look everywhere, up, down, then finally behind me. I jump! “THE DOCTOR IS IN!”, I announce to the crowd. They died! That’s what I live for. Again, “That Is The Way Of The Con”!
Cosplay Cruising along, I see a Lady Cosplayer coming towards me. Is it? Long RED hair with a black headband, white gauntlet gloves and matching boots, a two sizes too big cape, red outfit and 4 Red jewels of power…? YES! “LINA”, I shout. “LINA INVERCE! My favorite LADY of, SLAYERS!” . (It is correct and proper “Cosplay Etiquette”, to call a Cosplayer you have just met, by his or her,

character’s name) “For years I have been waiting for someone to Cosplay her.” I bow, introduce my self first, by my Cosplay, character’s name, then pass her my card. “I love Slayers and Lina for years…..”, she began. Told her of my love of the music I found in the Slayers movies and series. Then I told her about my “Comic Con Ritual” each morning of the Con, listening to the music. “I have every one of the Slayers songs, Sound Bible, ….” “I HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE, YET AGAIN!”, I declare to her, taking her white gloved hand, and kissed it. As always with a Cosplayer who gives a great performance of a character, I said to her: “I Thank You for you’re your Cosplay, and for bring the character of Lina Inverce to life for all of us to enjoy!” She glowed! And these are the Comic Con Cosplay moments I LIVE FOR!
Seems like strong cables and and with that cosplayer status you had wondered deeper to restricted zone. Just kidding! Must be nice to interact with artists from the anime/cartoon industries and more female cosplayers.
ReplyDelete@Dennis aka Katsuden ~ I don't know if I could get as many dates as he does to these cons