Thursday, October 20, 2011

SNL: J-Pop America Fun Time Now

Seems SNL has grabbed onto some J-Pop fun.

They produced a short showcasing 2 Michigan State Campus students doing a college show. It showcased their love for Japan (in a very sad way) and tried to imitate an actual Japanese Show. They even speak bad 'Engrish' throughout the show.

The even had a guest on who had the largest anime collection on campus. She did a very sad copy of Sailor Moon and called her character 'Cherry Cherry a Rock and a Roll'. What made this even funnier was they kept cutting over to the teacher who had to be on set and he kept correcting everything they did - poor dude.

It makes for a 5:10 skit of crazy japanese-isms (I just made this word up) and showcasing the J-Culture we all know and love - well sort of.

Can anyone name their theme song?

SNL Skit

What are our thoughts on this skit?

UPDATE: Dennis aka Katsuden, thanks for the info on the player. Here is a so-so video copy from YouTube for your enjoyment.


  1. Bro, I'm not able to watch the link as the video doesn't support viewers from my region.

  2. @Dennis aka Katsuden ~ thanks for letting me now as I added this YouTube video of the program.


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