This is the morning of our city’s Pride and Joy, the yearly SAN DIEGO COMIC CON. 2012! As SOP for me, the Veteran, Warrior, feeling can’t be helped. (protester lines) It is all ways a Military Mission all Cons with me. From the south pedestrian bridge, over looking the Convention Center, I paused for pictures, and, “Small Ceremony”. I drew my pipe.
I Dictate this march to 2012 Comic Con:
To Bill, and The Crew, My Brothers, who passed the HAT and gave me War Chest. To my
Web-Lord Dan, who believes in me, and as I. To
OUR READERS, who FREE MINDS, DREAM WITH ME. AND ALL, COSPAYERS, PLANET WIDE, WITHIN THE NET. I so do dictate this march. I may be a single Warrior, marching there, Yet, THERE IS A DIVISON OF WARRIOR THERE. All of you are there beside me, and at my 6! I give smoke to the 4 WINDS! Sheathing my pipe I reach………

Reaching for the saddle horn, General “Rushutan”, swung into his war horse. Making a last check over his shoulder, he look at his FULL DIVISON of MOUNTED SAMURIA WARRIORS. The many blue banners of his Lord, “The Blue Drakon”, waved defiantly in the morning cool breeze. The heart of, “The Dragon Man General”, swelled with pride as he rose in his saddle, and faced, the enemy. He drew his sword. Fifteen Thousand swords, as ONE, SANG OUT, IN HUNGER!
“And The Rest… is COMIC CON HISTORY!”
“Victorious, the General said:…. WE MADE IT EVERYONE! Doors open 0930 hrs, 30. Ready Cam, Mission Objectives Check List, (M.O.C.L.) review, drink. First M.O. Scratch! Get next year’s…. Intel, sat down in front of me on trolley Volunteer on Staff. “All on-line, next month.” (oh no not…) Next. Scout out Room 2#, 1200 hrs.
Comic-How -To: “How to Better Understand the Sociology Behind COSPLAY”….
“The Lady Ya Ya Han”, Hosting! Photos, Cosplay way to door A, (Disabled Sticker Pick-Up.) and it‘s “See and Be Seen“, “The WAY, of the CON“.
Door 2#, and make SURE, the Staff of door, KNOWS me by, (Costume), as “Disabled”, (best seating). And they do take GOOD CARE of us. (damn leg already) Morning shots bay side of Con for Cosplayer. Through window I saw “Wonder Woman”, Cosplayer group. No….? (Cam telephoto lens) The “QUEEN”! Hard at WORK. And WORK it is. Knowing the bayside doors, “HEY GUY!”, wave from a, “Yellow Shirt” Staffer, I got in. E-Z access to area. Small palms in planters, white walls make for little cover. And with my “NOTICE ME!” Tao Priest Costume… Little trouble for a, “Tao Master”. Hugging the wall, I got behind closest palm, check Shooting area. “Open Shoot”. I could tell. But all ways ask! CON-BAT Time! Cam. in my folded hand, ready, I stood.

“May I, open shoot?” Scared her! A nod. I slipped in, beside the rest of the small group of photographers. As last year, my Costume caught The Lady Ya Ya eye, and we became, “Friends-In-Cosplay”. Last shots were being fired off. I sank down on a knee…
“I Remember You!”, Lady Ya Ya called to me with her Bright smile. She look down a pone me, with wide, “Open Arms, To A Old Friend”! MOVE IN AND KNEEL DC!

“DC Rushton, Your Brother-In-Cosplay, The Priest of Tao, Web-Reporter, Web-site, 2 Old 4 Anime!”, I called before her on knees. I shot that Bright smile, to share with you all. EYE-LOCK! The “Kindness” that is Lady Ya Ya Han, still “Bright”, as ever! “My Queen of Cosplay.”, I began taking her offered hands into mine. “Thank you for remembering me from last year. Again, forgive the “British Rushton Ancestors”. If you have a moment for a picture, for my Site and my READERS in the NET?”. “Of course I do!”, she answered. (I could NOT break eye contact!) “AND IN THE NAME,OF, THE BUDDHA. PLEASE SOMEONE GET THE SHOT!” , I called, holding my cam out to some one. (Buddha bless that guy!) She remembering me being a “Gentleman” from last year, and practiced “Cosplay Etiquette“, and Manners. (Played her “Drop-Her-Dragon”, test on me. I grabbed, The Dragon!)

SHE, kindly guided my arm around her waist, positioning me proper to her, and the cameras. “My Lady Ya Ya. This old “Amateur Cosplayer”, owes you so much, for a moment in, “The Spot Light“ with a, “Professional of Cosplay.”, I said. “No, YOU ARE NOT.”, she corrected me. With a “Welcome Professional Cosplayer!“, waist hug. The “Childhood Memories”, of high school drama production, “Little Theater/Shakespeare”, came back. With a hand, Lady Ya Ya Han presented ME, to HER cameras, HER STAGE! Many photos by her crew, and everyone, were taken. More than needed. Turning to thank her, I gave a “Professional Full Actor’s Waist Bow”, to her. I was rewarded, with that Bright smile, and hand. Taking it, I said, “My Deepest Heart Filled Thanks, And I shall be at your panel at noon. You will all ways be, “My Queen“, and, “My Lady of Dragons!”. “You are MORE, that Welcome.”, she replied. “I’ll see you.”
I laughed at the first picture, that guy was well placed im sure most passer by saw it.
ReplyDeletemy gosh that post sounded like a poem
That's our DC - very poetic at times and is why I had to post this. He has a normal Day 1 post coming, but I thought this needed to be noted :D
DeleteLOL you're a damn trip bro lol. i love looking at your pics :D anyways, that seems like a really fun day especially with all the crazy cosplayers :D
ReplyDeleteDC is just the life of the party when you see these shots. I can't wait to see his other reports :D
DeleteWonderful crowd there! The Tao Priest is well-prepared and all he needed is the powerful pass worn on the neck. The Futurama action must the catch of the day?!
ReplyDeleteHe has that travel bag which rolls and keeps him well prepared for anything.
DeletePoor protester, wasting his/her life in the corner of a picture with a big yellow WTF. Probably the highlight of that person's life, being put here on your blog XD I think DC was the guest of honor at this SDCC, I bet those moments are memories that will last forever.
ReplyDeleteI can say without a doubt that this was his best con at SDCC ever.