In Japan the age is far more younger that (for a TV Series that is). This originally aired on Monday night (7/20) and was called “Hajimete no otsukai” (”First errand”). It films small children as they are sent on errands. The show involves 2 cute kids by the name of Masaki (5 years and 2 months) and his little sister Saika (2 years and 10 months). They are asked to pickup the ingredients for a Beef Stew Mom is making for dinner.
Now if this was in the US, the parents would be arrested for Child Endangerment and a slew of News Shows would be reviewing this over and over again to get public reaction. Sort of like the Grandmom that had her niece sitting on the outside of the moon roof as she drove around a parking lot.
You Tube Movie Part 1
You Tube Movie Part 2
Would you let your 5 year old go to the market for you?You Tube Movie Part 2
Source: Japan Probe
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