
I have decided to dedicate a page specially to my blog interviews. My wife thought it was a good idea so they didn't get lost in my Cosplay link.

I have also decided to open this up. If you are a Cosplayer, Designer, Manga Artist, Voice Actor or anyone related to the stuff I post here, please drop me an email  to bluedrakon (@) gmail (dot) com.

I have had the pleasure of interviewing so many interesting people from all over the world. I have broken them down so that you can find who is from your country. I hope to keep adding to this list until we have added every country possible :D

Here are the wonder interviews that I have done and hope you enjoy them as much as I did.


All images used in this blog are copyrighted (©) by their respective cosplayer or photographer and any infringement was not intended. If anyone is upset by me posting their images on my blog, please contact me and I will remove them. If I don't have your information and you wish to have it added, please let me know the link and info. I will be happy to update that information as well.
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