If you checked out my Black Gold Saw cosplay blog, then you will recognize this lovely lady ~ Reika!
It is always fun to get a comment from the cosplayers you have posted about. She was also kind enough to answer some of my crazy questions for this interview.
She also did Black Rock Shooter as well which you can scout out below. She has an large arsenal of cosplay as you will soon see that crosses a gambit of different series in a short amount of years. I was equally blown away by her cosplay of Ignis of Jingai Makyo which was stunning in the black/white butterfly dress.
You have to check out a shot of her as Black Gold Saw & let her know what you think at Facebook!

What is your name, where do you reside and what is your age?
My name is Thea Plete, but I wish to be called Reika. My screen name for my online accounts is dark_oracle21. I’m from Batangas, Philippines. I’m 20+ years old. >:D
What first started you on the road to cosplay?

I liked anime and games ever since I was young. I attended several conventions as a con-goer before having the courage to actually cosplay on 2008. My first cosplay was Talho of Eureka 7, simply for the reason that I liked her character and coz she’s sexy. But it was a failure coz I didn’t know much about the right fabric, make up, and pose that makes a good cosplay.

I choose the characters I cosplay based on whether they’ll suit me. When I was younger, I prefer to cosplay cute characters like Chii from Chobits, or sexy ones like Ignis from Jingai Makyo.
Right now, I prefer to cosplay those that are a challenge. I challenged myself to cosplay badass characters like Black Gold Saw or Akashiya Moka of Rosario Vampire, or a bitchy character like Panty of Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt. I even crossdressed as Akaito of Vocaloids.
But sometimes I take cosplay requests from my friend Angel “Gelaii” Ayanami. She’s usually my cosplay partner and kind of my manager.

What conventions or shows have you cosplayed at?
Mangaholix 2008 – Talho of Eureka 7
Cosplay Mania 2008 – Ignis of Jingai Makyo
OtakunEK 2009 – Shana of Shakugan no Shana
Anime Overload Festival 2009 – Chii of Chobits
InSOMAnia 2009 – Amane Misa of Deathnote Movie
Ozine Fest 2009 – Kyrie of Devil May Cry 4
Christmas Toy Con 2009 – Meiko BRS version of Vocaloids
Mangaholix 2009 – Chii of Chobits
Toy Con 2009 – Ignis of Jingai Makyo
Best of Anime 2010 – Allen Walker of D.Grayman

Cyber Geek 2010 – Kyrie of Devil May Cry
UP AME 2010 – Gold Saw of Black Rock Shooter
I Ai Anime 2010 – Zatsune Miku of Vocaloids
InSOMAnia 2010 – Ignis of Jingai Makyo
Otaku Expo 2010 – Shizune of Naruto
Ozine Fest 2010 – Black Gold Saw of Black Rock Shooter
Toy Con 2010 – Shizuku of Hunter X Hunter
Otaku Expo 2011 – Tsubasa Hanekawa of Bakemonogatari
Ozine Fest 2011 – Akashiya Moka of Rosario Vampire
Philippine Cosplay Convention 2011 – Panty of Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt

Torch 2011 – Honami Takase Ambler of Rental Magica
Best of Anime 2011 – Lenne of Final Fantasy X-2
**Photoshoot: Yowane Haku Mafia version of Vocaloids
I have noticed that the Philippines has some pretty intense Cosplay. Is there a lot of competition with trying to come out in a unique character or is it still more about having fun?
I think it’s a mixture of being unique and critical with your character, but still having fun. I have cosplay friends who help me in my costumes. We usually help each other to produce that “intense” cosplay. We give reference pictures, go to the best place to buy cosplay materials, refer a friend to a tailor or teach a friend

When not cosplaying, what do you do?
I write articles for websites. I also do anime/ series/ movie marathons lately coz I wasn’t able to when I was preparing for my licensure exam. Apparently, I’m looking for a job. I’m a fresh graduate and newly licensed veterinarian. J

Be confident. Don’t mind what others would think, as long as you love what you are doing. It would also be good if you’ll cosplay with a group or a friend so you’ll have someone to assist or protect you (from pervs just in case). Study your character too. And by the way, it doesn’t matter if you think having a pretty face is a requirement for cosplay. As long as you can portray your character well, you will be better than those girls.
Where can we catch more of your Cosplay at?
Blog | deviantART | Cure
Our Photographers:
Jonathan de Belen | Raisa de Pano | Kira Holuten | Kiko Francisco | Yuki Seiryuu | Mikhail Photography | Giann Carlo Potente
Some Additional Cosplay Photographs
Reika is a really good and diverse cosplayer. That was a good read. :)
ReplyDelete@Cairdiuil, Thank you for appreciating my works :)
ReplyDeleteWhether sexy or more challenging cosplay, Reika is sweet! Youth is so nice!
ReplyDelete@Cairdiuil ~ she did cosplay some different characters that I usually see which was nice
ReplyDelete@Amakura Reika ~ okay, this was suppose to post Thursday, so i guess the cat got out of the bag early :)
@Dennis aka Katsuden ~ seh sure can be sweet, but she can be a bit of a diva if you look at the Panty pose - heehee
@Dennis aka Katsuden, I can be sugar and spice :)
ReplyDelete@bluedrakon, yeah.. I was actually surprised. Thanks :)
i was a witness of reika's efforts and confidence in doing her cosplays, and i have to tell, that we, with all her classmates and vet(mates), are so proud of her! you go girl! DOC REIKA!
ReplyDelete@mikhahkim ~ it is great that you all enjoy seeing Reika cosplay and support her as well