Saturday, January 04, 2014

Please Read the Posted Signs

"Welcome to 2old4anime's INSPIRATIONAL SIGNS"

Each week here, I (D.C. Rushton), shall be presenting 5 Anime or Cosplay signs for your Enjoyment.

Make You Laugh, or Just Make You Think!

Welcome to the first "Please Read The Posted Signs" of 2014 my Readers. Laugh with me as my ex-son got put in jail and had his dog with him. WHO GOT BAILED OUT! "SNICKERS DID" (his dog)! So I had her with me over Xmas!

So with "DOGGIES" on my mind, let our theme be...

If you have any suggestions, drop me a comment here. I love fulfilling the requests of our Readers - YOU!

Until next week, "Please read the Posted Signs". Please Read the Posted Signs!


  1. The Taco Bell dog looks delicious! Give me some nacho sauce and I'm good to go. Lol..

    1. Darth Pug gets my vote as not sure what type of meat was used to make that taco :^X

  2. The Taco Bell dog is my favourite. Speaking of Taco Bell, I haven't had one for 10 years as it's rare over here :\

    1. That one does make me hungry. They are still alive and active here. They are sometimes teamed up with KFC as a super fast food store.


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