Thursday, October 14, 2010

Yoko and Kamina have landed safely

I have great news - both Yoko and Kamina have made it safely to their destination. I noted in a previous post that they were heading for a trip. I was pleasantly surprised to not only get an email, bit a pick of them safe and sound.

As you can tell, there is a flag in the background. This is the State Flag of one of our 50 States in the US. There are some other hints in the picture as well that will help lead you in the right direction.

Can you guess where they are?

I hope to have more on this later - not sure when as it is a secret ~ shhhhhhh


  1. After a quick google search, I'm guessing they're in Arizona. Glad to hear they had a safe flight. Can't wait to hear what they're there for.

  2. @Yi ~ what??? cats out of the bag already - dammit - need to make it harder next time :P


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